2021 Omaha
August 7, 2021
OneWorld’s Livestock Exchange Building: 4920 S. 30th Street, Omaha, Nebraska
On Saturday, August 7th from 1:00 a 4:00 pm, the OneWorld Community Health Centers, Inc. will present their annual family event ¡Vive tu vida! Get Up! Get Moving!® in Omaha, Nebraska. This event promotes Hispanic family physical activity, and nutrition in the Hispanic family as a source of health and well-being for all.
This is a dynamic drive-through event designed to limit physical contact due to COVID-19. Participants will stay in their vehicles as they drive through OneWorld’s parking lot. Along the route, families in their vehicles receive information of healthy lifestyle activities by local community organizations, access free health screenings, COVID-19 information, and the possibility to receive the vaccine.
Before exiting the parking lot, participants will receive backpacks for each kid attending the event. Each backpack has school supplies, healthy snacks, masks, community health resources, and fitness items.
All are welcome to the ¡Vive Tu Vida! Get Up! Get Moving!® Back-to-School Bash Backpack Give Away event. It will take place in the parking lot to the East across the street from OneWorld’s Livestock Exchange Building campus: 4920 S. 30th Street, Omaha, Nebraska, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.